Shall We Begin? … Again?

My oh my.
It’s been a heck of a 2020 and 2021 has it not? We have missed YOU, lemme tellya! But we’re BACK! Or as back as we can be during another season of pandemic duress. After a year and a half of being totally dormant, our oldest and most-loved programs beginning in October of 2021: CraftNight, and Gothtober.

Gothtober is 31 pieces of artwork by 31 different artist, a new one revealed everyday in the month of October, now in it’s NINETEENTH YEAR!!!

CraftNight is crafts in a bar every Wednesday, all supplies provided, for five bucks you can sit down and work on wonderful seasonal craft projects gathered and curated by JP Craft Captain.

Sadly, we’ll not be doing the holiday puppet show this year. Why? Kids can’t get vaccinated right now, and we also don’t know if we’re going to get another spike in covid cases in December. It would be such a bummer to have to close down the show if we get a surge, it’s just too much of a gamble.


We ARE planning SOMETHING for December! SparkleBlob’s Charming Nogstyle Sideshow Solstice Festival will be coming to YOU! It will be an aggressively ventilated affair in a large warehouse or parking lot, and everyone will be able to attend in a safe and happy way.

Meanwhile, check out Gothtober, as you don’t have to go anywhere or do anything to experience pandemic-proof artwork online!

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