SparkleBlob is holding its first ever annual online art auction fundraiser culminating with a live show in August, and we’re looking for submissions from YOU! Our theme is SPARKLE and it’s your chance to support SparkleBlob and let your artwork shine! It’s called:
The SparkleBlob ART ACTION!
A Live and Online Art Auction for SparkleBlob!
Internet Auction of Fabulous Works: July 10th – 30th
Those Same Fabulous Works Displayed in a LIVE, ONE DAY EXHIBITION on August 2nd, 2014–bidding ends at 9pm!
You’re invited to submit artwork that has a certain “sparkle,” whether figuratively or literally, anything that uses shiny, glittery materials, OR artwork depicting something sparkly by nature. We want you to strut your stuff, whether it’s painted, sculpted, photographed, constructed or assembled! Please share this information with your friends and fellow artists.
Sales from the auction will be split 40/60 (you, SparkleBlob). Proceeds will support SparkleBlob’s expenses for its ongoing programs (CraftNight, Gothtober, Holiday Show).
Find Our Artist Donation and Agreement Form HERE.
Deadline for all submissions is July 6th, 2014.
ONLINE AUCTION: As submissions are gathered, online bidding for art pieces will begin on July 10. Online bidding will end August 2nd, 2014 9pm pacific standard time.
- Town Square Realty, 305 S Hudson Ave, Pasadena, CA. from 2pm to 9 PM.
- 2pm-6pm–Afternoon exhibition viewing and bidding with live music
- 6-10pm–Evening party ramps-up special activities and giveaways, exhibition/bidding with the auction closing at 9pm.
This event will be a light‐hearted, fun filled afternoon/evening for all ages, where our friends and supporters can enjoy and bid on original artwork, as well as other carefully selected items, while contributing to SparkleBlob.
- Summertime Music Fun
- Snacks! Drinks!
- There will be a “lollipop tree” and “duck guessing game” for kids.
- CraftNight Mystery Bags will be on sale
- Special DocuMART™ paper processing specialists on site!
We will thank you for your contribution in the following ways:
- Complimentary SparkleBlob membership for one year
- Recognition in the Program
- Recognition on SparkleBlob’s Website and Auction Page
- 40% from the sale of your artwork will be given to you
Please RSVP your spot in the art auction via our online Artist Donation and Agreement Form.
The necessary evils: Submissions are limited due to venue space and restrictions, so please RSVP your participation as soon as possible to save a spot for your piece. While we encourage creative freedom, we do retain the right to refuse participation to any artist/piece for any reason. We’re asking that works of art weigh no more than 40 lbs. and is no larger than 3ft.x 3ft. But you know, talk to us if any of this is confusing.
Questions? Contact Jackie Marchand @jackie.marchand@gmail.com