Valentine Craftivism!

A new month, a new winter craft!

We got wry and spry with our valentines this year, I decided to make “Valentines for Politicians”

Download them here from our CraftNight Website. 

Some of the valentines are mean, but… you know, making sweeping general unconstitutional bans that strand desperate people at airports for over 20 hours without food, and then maybe later down the line cause them to lose their lives… well, that’s not just mean, that’s absence of human decency. So we decided, on February 8th, to make love notes for Washington DC this year, and send them to those in power who could use a message from We the People. 

While some of these valentines coyly remind our elected officials that it’s only two years until citizens visit the voting booths, other valentines are anything but vague and take our country’s leaders to task for behaving like reprehensible bratty miscreants.

If you’re infatuated with the Trump administration, these valentines might not be for you. They tend to take politicians to task over things like civil rights, the environment, free speech, you know… silly little leftwing concerns. HA HA HA.

I also made a guide showing which politicians could use support, which ones could use encouragement, and which ones could really just use a crass souvenir of creative cheeky dissent.

Happy Valentines Day!