Gothtober Inspiration Screening at the EPFC!

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It’s never to early to start getting creepy…

This was very fun, not only because we watched a truly incredible collection of short films from twelve years of Gothtober, but I bought FIVE different types of M&Ms for sampling at the screening!

We had a presentation and special screening showing the breadth and variety of submissions through the years that have made Gothtober great. Hopefully this fed everyone’s brains some ideas and everyone will want the glory and fame of being a Gothtober contributor!

The world’s first annual curated time-release online museum of 31 works of art by 31 different contributors is about to start taking applications, and we are always (evil laughter) seeking new blood.

Gothtober’s Grab Bag of the Unknown contains a deluge of over 350 tiny films, crafts, recipes, stories and MORE! It’s the perfect place for independent and experimental creeps, ghosts and freaks to flaunt their tricks and treats.

Presentation was by yours truly: Julianna (JP) Parr, Executive Director of SparkleBlob and Head Candy Corn of