Artist Block Talk at the Echo Park Film Center

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SparkleBlob gave it’s first workshop in the form of a conversation about Artist Blocks with yours truly, Julianna Parr (that’s me writing this.) For two hours I had a captive audience at the Echo Park Film Center! 

I screened three short films:

Duck Amuck – To illustrate how creativity can really be a pain in the butt

The Dot and the Line – This was a film that made quite an impression on me as a youngster, and implored me to find new and different ways to be creative.

The Tender Game – This beautiful Hubley film changed my life. It hands down offered me an example of conveying emotion in a distinctly heartfelt and organic way that I never knew was possible.

I then gave away to each attendee a pair of paper dice, which can be glued together then tossed about and used to take you down a pathway toward fruition of some of your ideas. I suspect this is not the last time I give this little presentation, so keep a look out for when it comes around again.

There is also talk about a puppet-building workshop on the horizon…